#1.) The Porndude.com
In my opinion the best and most detailed Porn listings page you will ever find on the internet. The Porn Dude has a very in depth database, with descriptions of each site and what they have to offer. When going through this site you can tell the countless hours spent perfecting this creative and vast essay of porn sites. Each site, has a review and description page before you enter the actual site, which is good but sometimes annoying. None the less, The Porn dude has it all from Free Porn to Premium pay sites, top reddit subs and much, much more. The Porn Dude is one of the five review sites with substance, and IT’S FREE. No subscriptions required and no payments necessary. He truly loves porn and it shows in his thought out Website.

Just keep in mind, if your a webmaster and want a review from this site. When he does do a review, he doesn’t hold back. Just because you’re getting exposure, doesn’t mean that you’re going to get a positive endorsement from him.
Skype: Geoffrey.Celen
ICQ: 409594033
Google Hangouts: admin@theporndude.com
Facebook Messenger: facebook.com/PornDudeCom
QQ Messenger: 2446370752
So, if you’re looking for a resource to get the skinny on all things related to internet pornography, click on this link to The PornDude.com
#2.) The PornInspector.com
Second overall with just as much detailed Porn listings as The PornDude. The Porn Inspector’s website, you can see is a very well organized and in depth database of each site listed on their page. They seem to be consistently adding new reviews to their page daily. With whopping 8,029 reviews to date, these guys know how to make an informative website. However, they only review Premium Pay Sites, so if you are not that don’t bother wasting your time. Their opinions are honest and reliable, giving viewers a sense of comfort when searching porn sites from their list.

If you have a site that you would like to be reviewed. The Porn Inspector’s THE BEST SPOT to land your website. Although reviewing of your site isn’t guaranteed, trying to get one will never hurt, and landing a link with these guys will have your site doing numbers.

6 Official sites with high DA and great link juice. However you put it, the PornInspector.com has all the right stuff and that’s why they’re our #1 Site for Porn Search Engine listing pages; get listed Here.
If you have an adult site, THIS is where you want it to be listed. He’s always looking for new porn pages to review. Even if your site’s a bit different, kinky or even taboo. As long as it’s legal, I guarantee the Porn Inspector’s interested. Just contact him and he’ll get back to you soon.
In addition to getting a review, if your site ticks all of the right boxes it might make their Hall of Fame. With over 1,000,000 daily users, getting some of that TPD recognition might be one of the steps that puts your site on the path to getting an abundance of accolades at the AVN Awards next year.

#3.) The Quickiepage.com
Rated #3 because it really is just that, a quick index page of all the top porn sites listed in one spot. Just like the other websites, the quickie page has an abundance of categories that list from free porn and Porn Games, to the top Live Cam Girls. They provide reviews for majority of the sites, along with short trailer clips/videos from the site being reviewed. The Quickie Page is one of the most reliable pages for searching porn and quickly finding what you’re looking for. There’s no hassles with multiple redirections like other sites. These guys are 100% malware, pop-up and virus free

This site is also FREE!!. No subscriptions required and no payments necessary. If you’re looking for a review from these guys, just contact them with information about your website. They charge for this service, as many do, But it’s a great feature to have to increase your websites DA. Overall, The Quickie Page’s rated #3 as one of the best porn listing search engines out there. If you can’t get a link from the other guys websites, then try The Quickie Page, they may have a spot for your website.
Skype: Hotgrabbz
Email: info@quickiepage.com

#4.) Prime Porn List
Rated #4 on our list, because they too have a premium website of only the best porn sites. They also provide a FREE list of all malware & virus-less sites, providing a detailed review for each site listed. They provide a very in-depth article on the website being listed, so this gives viewers an idea of what the site is really about before entering. You can tell that these guys spent countless hours perfecting this site to what we see today. They have a total of 37 niche categories and pretty much cover everything you can think of, minus the illegal stuff. With nothing left out, Prime Porn List has all the right stuff to be considered one of the best porn search engines online today.
If you are looking for a listing page; PrimPornList.com is another top tier search engine that will list your site and give it an honest review. Just a reminder; they want quality content, video resolution
Email: john@primepornlist.com
#5.) Niche Porn Sites
A very simple layout as their home page, giving the viewer an easy start to their search. With just about 100 different categories and over 1,000 sites to choose from. This site is setup for easy navigation from the menu page, to the niche of your selection. Rated #5 for the best search engine lists, you can see why this site is one of our top 5 choices.

Niche Porn Sites have all the right functions and features. Giving viewers pictures and descriptive text before they enter the website, which is a great feature to have for viewers. They’re a 100% FREE Listing Page, and if you feel like your site’s got what it takes to be listed here, then send in your information. They WILL NOT accept sites that are illegal, brand new or traffic-less, but if you do meet their criteria, you will receive a DO FOLLOW link back to your site. In turn, this will drive more traffic back to your site and help you rank better in google. To submit your site listings to NichePornSites.com, make sure you take a screenshot of your home page for the image submission, and let them know what category you require.
Contact Niche Porn Sites and drop your submission.